For those who have ADHD, knowing how to re-set is a must. Re-setting is what you need to do when you’re thrown off by the disconnected, disruptive nature of ADHD, by the many inputs coming from so many different directions. In order to thrive and feel empowered, you must learn to re-set—to create effective systems that naturally connect the dots in your over-amped brain.
The possibilities of disruption are endless –from a missed appointment, to poor evaluation of time, to feeling “too different” once again, to not being able to sleep because your mind is racing. Where to begin to re-set?
First and foremost, remember that having ADHD doesn’t mean something is wrong with you, or that you‘re broken. In my clinical practice, I reassure clients that the IQ they were born with and the knowledge they’ve mastered will always be there. So will your ADHD, but you can learn to manage it.
It’s also important to realize that, in addition to such challenges as time management and clear communication, you are likely also dealing with emotional stress that results directly from your ADHD. Emotional distress and its effect on self-esteem and self-identity is the subject of my first book, FOCUSED FORWARD: Navigating the Storms of Adult ADHD. In it, I discuss the origins of the emotional distress and provide a smorgasbord of insights and solutions, all designed to help rebuild your “internal pillars” of self-esteem and identity which are vital to handle the lifetime of turmoil that comes from ADHD.
My book contains a number of creative ways to re-set, and you’ll find many others as you follow your path. One example of resetting that is very current for me is the publishing of my first book. Almost every author you ever meet will tell you that the overwhelm of details in getting a book published is beyond any you could ever even imagine. Well, I have learned that they are correct in that statement because I am in that current state of overwhelm around getting my book out. Therefore, because I know this stress will not go away, I am constantly increasing my level of self-care. I’m resetting and tamping down the stress by sleeping at least 9 hours a night, meditating daily, and attending support group meetings more often. This helps to manage the overwhelm to a tolerable level, yet does not take it away completely.
Personally, I rely on meditation, listening to pleasant music, breathing deeply, displaying random acts of kindness, playing hooky, or going to a movie on the spur of the moment. Your own favorite re-setters might be completely different—the point is to keep changing up your “go-to” mental replenishers and avoid settling into a rut.
An ADHD brain, perhaps more than that of so-called “normal” people, zeros in on shiny new actions, the more interesting and unusual the better. So start re-setting when you’re disrupted by your ADHD, and know this is the most beneficial and powerful way to take care of yourself.
I’m very excited to announce that you can now order FOCUSED FORWARD on Amazon, or if you’d like to order a personalized copy, please email my assistant at To celebrate my book release, I’m having an open house at The Life Empowerment Center, 2111 Dickson Dr., Ste. 14, Friday, March 4, from 4-8 p.m. Please RSVP to Please visit my website, for more information on ADHD, including my article Nine Ways to Navigate Life with ADHD.
I look forward to meeting many of you at the April 2 Austin IN Connection conference, Navigating the Emotional Storms of ADHD.